I've received a few email messages from readers asking questions and I'm happy to continue to reply to any email messages that I receive.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
First Year Wrap-up
I've received a few email messages from readers asking questions and I'm happy to continue to reply to any email messages that I receive.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Picking a few cones
I picked some of the larger Cascade hop cones that were ready this weekend, vacu-sealed them and put them in the freezer. I'll just keep picking them as they become ready and seal them as well. While picking these, I noticed there's one bine on the Nugget plant that has a nice bunch of pretty large cones as well. Those are basically the first cones that the Nugget has produced this year.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Still alive and well
Unfortunately, despite my best efforst, I've continued to neglect this blog, but both hop plants have continued to grow and produce hop cones. The bines have actually got a little out of hand as I've pretty much left them to do what they want. The latest round of new cones produced by the Cascade plant are actually pretty big. Its a good indication of the potential for next year. There probably still isn't enough for a full batch of beer, but I'll pick and vacu-seal the cones that are ready and maybe use them in a batch this fall. Here's a few recent photos:
Friday, September 18, 2009
Neglected but not forgotten
I've been neglecting this blog, but not my hop plants. In fact, there's been a resurgence of growth over the past few weeks. The plants are clearly enjoying the much cooler weather and they're looking much bushier and happier. When we returned from our trip to the Pacific Northwest, I could see over a foot or two of new growth on multiple bines and side arms which I had to detangle and get wrapped around the twine properly. And along with the new growth came a bunch of new hops! Some of them are looking quite large and better the then hops that developed earlier.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A few small cones are ready
There is actually quite a lot of hop cones on the Cascade and some are looking like they're probably ready to harvest, but unfortunately, they're all pretty small. I had hoped to at least get enough to add to a batch of beer for flavour and aroma but at this point, that would be purely ceremonial. Oh well, it was just the first year and wasn't really expecting to get much. I also blame the weather. This was the hottest summer on record and also one of the driest, so not the best year to attempt to grow hops. Chris Colby at BYO Magazine had problems with his hop production this year that he attributed to the heat as well.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Nice Cones
Above 100F temperatures have returned for this week. We've received a few scattered heavy storms over the past week or two, one of which brought an extremely close lightning strike that fried the motherboard on my PC. Gave both pots a thorough watering with fertilizer today at noon. The Cascade plant is continuing to develop more hop cones while the Nugget appears all but given up on them. Both plants have been putting some effort into growing side shoots again and I've been torn between pinching them off and letting them grow. In the end I've let them grow and wound them around the twine. I figured I'd let it do what it wants during the first year of growth and be more selective about pruning next year. More hope cone goodness:
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cones continuing to develop nicely
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Scattered showers keep temps cooler
More frequent cloud cover and a few scattered showers have helped to keep the heat down a little and occasionally provide some much needed moisture.
The Cascade has really been sprouting out the hop burrs recently. The Nugget, on the other hand, appears to be a little lazy.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Growth slowing; fertilized
The overall growth of the main bines on both plants appears to be slowing, if not completely stopped. There are still some side shoots that are continuing to grow longer, but both plants seem to be concentrating on produce side arms and hop burrs. The cascade plant is pretty loaded with hop burrs, but the Nugget has considerably less.
Fertilized with Miracle-Gro Liquid All Purpose Plant Food at lunch time and manually water until water seen dripping out the bottom of the pots.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Continued growth and never-ending heat
The Cascade is looking really good, lots of new growth after the main big vine appeared to have gotten pinched and died. Lots of side arms with burrs starting to form into little hop cones.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Watered and fertilized
Fertilized with the same amount of Miracle-Gro Liquid All Purpose Plant Food today and manually water until water seen dripping out the bottom of the pots. Hottest temperatures of the year so far are forecasted for this week.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Disappointing Discovery
I checked the other bines on both plants for dead sections like this and didn't see any, but noticed that some bines have brownish blotches that basically look like the bruised areas of a banana. Hopefully this isn't indicative of some sort of infection or disease.
Monday, June 22, 2009
First Hop Cones

The Nugget doesn't have anything that resembles a cone yet, but there are a lot of sidearms and burrs still growing and developing as well. Its interesting that the sidearms on the Cascade plant have just one burr per arm whereas the sidearms on the Nugget appear to grow clusters of burrs.
The real challenge will be keeping these guys alive during the next few weeks. The forecasted highs for later this week is 103F and there's still no chance of rain. My Jalapeno plant is loving this weather but I don't think the hop plants are going to be too happy about it. I manually watered both pots on Saturday until I saw water running out of the holes on the bottom and set the drip irrigation to run for 30 mins every morning. This should provide adequate water, but I'm worried the heat and sun (even though its only morning sunlight) will damage the plants.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Approaching drought conditions
Its been hot and dry around here... REALLY hot and dry and with no end in sight. Houston is fast approaching official drought conditions if we don't get any rain within the next 10 days. Running the drip irrigation for 15 ~ 20 minutes a day kept the soil in the top of pots moist for a while, but now the moisture meter barely even registers when I probe various areas from top to bottom. So, I turned the drip irrigation on and let it run for two hours this afternoon to try and thoroughly soak the entire pot. Even though their in the shade during the afternoon, I really hope this heat isn't too much for them.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Adjusted twines; tiny hops beginning to form; temperature rising
A few of the burrs on the Cascade are actually starting to resemble tiny little hops.
While the Nugget is starting to grow some pretty cool looking side arms.
The official forecast for the next 10 days is 98F with no chances of rain. The shaded thermometer in my backyard has been topping 100F, so keeping the plants out of the direct afternoon rays is definitely looking like it was a good idea.
Monday, June 8, 2009
While reviewing my previous posts today, I realized that I hadn't fertilized the plants since May 10th. Since both plants have been producing a lot of new growth lately, its probably time to feed them some extra nutrients. I added a quarter of a cap of Miracle-Gro Liquid All Purpose Plant Food (12-4-8) to a gallon of water and split that between the two pots. I came up with that precise amount to use after reviewing the limited directions on the bottle and essentially, guessing. Unfortunately, "some" and "as often as the plants needs it" seems to be the only information I've been able to find regarding the amount of fertilizer to use and how often to use it.
Finding new growth after being gone for a day
The longest bine on the Cascade that I broke the tip off has really starting develop a lot of burrs all along it. The growth rate of three bines growing up the twine on the left side of the pot has really taken off and they're only a foot from the top now. Some bines that I started on the third twine from the front of the pot have also done well and are about a third of the way up.
I've currently still got the drip irrigation set to turn on at 9:15am for 15mins every 24 hours. The temperature is starting to creep into the upper 90's during the day with no rain and little cloud cover in the forecast for this week. I may have to adjust that water again if the pots start drying out.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Adjusted the watering schedule
On Tuesday, I had switched the drip irrigation back on and set it to run for 20 mins every 48 hours. Both plants received a watering yesterday at around noon but this morning the moisture level in the soil indicated that it was already pretty dry again. So, I went ahead and turned the drip irrigation on for 15 mins and then set it to run for 15 mins every 24 hours. I know, I'm fidgeting with the watering schedule a lot lately, but I'm trying to ensure the plants receive adequate water without causing an over-saturation of the soil again.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My modifications to the adjustable trellis
Chris Colby from Brew Your Own Magazine came up with a great idea for an adjustable hop trellis when growing hops in pots (or in the ground, for that matter). As the bines grow up the twine, you simply let out more of the twine from the top of the pole and let the bines loop and droop down. This design has been working great so far, but I've felt uncomfortable with the bines just hanging down without any support, particularly when one of our severe summer storms come through with heavy rains and high winds. I've been thinking about how to modify the existing design to provide the additional support I'm looking for and this is what I came up with:
I simply added 32 inch cross bars with eyebolts on the ends to the main pole every 18 inches. I can now attach the loops of bines to the ends of the cross bars as I let out more twine from the top so they not just left hanging loose. I played around with different ways to hang and loop the bines and found that criss-crossing the twines from one side of the trellis to the other will provide the longest lengths of twine (over three feet for each diagonal cross) on which to climb. The twine is then also kept in a generally upward direction as you follow along its length which will make it easier to keep the new bines growing along it. I found it could be a little difficult to train the new bines to keep following along the twine that was drooping and hanging down since they always want to keep growing up and not down. This design should also helps to keep the most amount of leaves in the direct sunlight. And, the entire planters are still self-contained which will allow me to move them into the garage should another Ike head this way.
I've already come up with a few improvements and other ideas as I was putting these together, but I think I'll save them until next near. Perhaps I'll try a different design for each pot and see which works bets.
I've already come up with a few improvements and other ideas as I was putting these together, but I think I'll save them until next near. Perhaps I'll try a different design for each pot and see which works bets.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Leaf Discolouration Improving
The photos below were taken on the dates indicated of the same leaves experiencing the odd mottled discolouration. If you compare the amount of yellow discolouration between the photos, you can see that their condition looks like it is improving.

I'm still not sure of the exact cause of it though. The leading candidate is over-watering, but I don't why that would only affect certain leaves.

I'm still not sure of the exact cause of it though. The leading candidate is over-watering, but I don't why that would only affect certain leaves.
A loss, but not necessarily a bad one

Up until now, both plants have really only had one main bine that was doing the majority of fast climbing up the twine with the other bines growing much slower. The Nugget also hasn't had nearly as many side shoots develop as the Cascade. However, over the past few days, the other bines on both plants appear to be in a growth spurt and the Nugget has started developing quite a few side shoots off the main bines near the bottom.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Drip irrigation turned back on
To get a better idea of how much I'm actually watering the plants, I decided to measure the amount of water that's released by the drip irrigation system. Each pot has two inline drippers so I put two of them in a juice jug that has fluid levels marked on it and ran the irrigation system for 20 mins. The total amount of water that was collect from both drippers was about 32 ounces. That means each dripper puts out about 48 ounces or a 1/3 of a gallon of water an hour.
The highs for the remainder of this week are in the low 90's, so its definitely going to be a hot week. I tured the drip irrigation system on for both plants for 15 mins on Sunday morning and now the soil in both pots is registering as being pretty dry (3 ~ 5) on the moisture meter. After my water test, I watered both plants using the irrigation system for 20 mins and then set it to run for 20 mins every 48 hours. This will supply each pot with a 1/4 of a gallon of water ever second day. I'll monitor the moisture level and see if this is an appropriate amount and adjust if necessary.
One additional thing I'll note for my own info is that I changed the batteries (two AA) in the drip irrigation control as they had apparently just died.
The highs for the remainder of this week are in the low 90's, so its definitely going to be a hot week. I tured the drip irrigation system on for both plants for 15 mins on Sunday morning and now the soil in both pots is registering as being pretty dry (3 ~ 5) on the moisture meter. After my water test, I watered both plants using the irrigation system for 20 mins and then set it to run for 20 mins every 48 hours. This will supply each pot with a 1/4 of a gallon of water ever second day. I'll monitor the moisture level and see if this is an appropriate amount and adjust if necessary.
One additional thing I'll note for my own info is that I changed the batteries (two AA) in the drip irrigation control as they had apparently just died.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
First watering in a week
According to the moisture meter, the moisture level of the soil in the pots has been slowly dropping, yet some areas still (oddly enough) register as Wet. I'm finding that hard to believe so I've decided to drop the highest and lowest moisture readings when trying to determine how moist the soil is. Since the temperature is supposed to reach into the low 90's today and neither plant has been given any water for about a week, I turned on the drip irrigation for 15mins for both plants this morning.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Three feet of growth in five days
I'm definitely going to have to think about a new trellis system or modify this one somehow. I like that its part of the pot which allows the entire plants to be moved with ease if necessary to adjust for sunlight (or hurricanes), but I'd like something that holds a bines a little more steady. I've got some ideas, I just need to actually try them.
The moisture meter is still indicating moisture levels of 5 ~ 9 in different areas and levels of the soil. I'm beginning to wonder how accurate it really is, but there must be some truth to it as I haven't watered the plants since Monday and they've obviously continued to grow. That would indicate there's been plenty of water for them in the soil, so I guess I had been over-watering without adequate drainage for the pots which is the most likely cause of the recent leaf discolouration.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Checked pH and Moisture level

On a good note, whatever the issue is, it hasn't appeared to really affect the growth of the main hop bines. The Cascade is once again nearing the top of the twine and the side arms on both plants are continuing to develop.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Strange leaf discolouration
Over the past couple of days, I've noticed this odd discolouration starting to affect some the young growth at the end of the bines and on the new side shoots. After doing research on some of the hop forums and general Internet searches, it sounds like a nitrogen deficiency, but I'm not sure. It could also be a sign of soil that is too wet. I've left the irrigation system off since the weekend and I'm going to let the soil dry out completely before turning it back on. I'm also going to drill some more holes into the bottom of the pots to ensure adequate drainage.

Cascade makes it to the top
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A pest is laid to rest
Monday, May 25, 2009
Nugget touches the top and third twines the charm for the Cascade
The Cascade is also continuing to do well and a new main bine has sprout up from the root. This adds to the already dozen or so side shoots that are growing off the main original bines. I had to add a third hop twine to the pot and one of the new bines is already starting to wind its way up.
I drilled some holes in the sides of the pots to test for soil moisture and the soil in the lower half of the pot seems to be pretty wet. I decided to turn off the irrigation system for a day or two and see if the soil dries out as I don't want to lose the plant due to root rot.
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